Friday, May 8, 2009

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my new shoes!!!

Me: Did you find anything mom?
Mom: No, not really...lets go over to Payless and see what they have
Me: You are NOT buying shoes at Payless
Karyn: Krissie, these so look like you...
*sound of angels signing on high as the world stands still for just a moment*
Me: me those
Mom: You are not buying shoes
Me: Oh but mom!!!!!! They fit!!!!
Mom: You don't need more shoes...where are you going to wear those?
Me: I would wear them to clean the house!
Mom: Jon will flip, how much are they?
Me: $50.....oh satin and a cant go wrong!!!
Mom: NO!!!!
*I hug the box with a poutie face*
Mom: Oh*hands me cash*
She knew it was meant to be!!!!

Mine are red!!!!

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