Wednesday, June 11, 2008

PT Vieta Wants More PT!!!!!

Okay so, Jon and I took the kids home to Hawaii in April. It was one of those trips that there really wasn't a plan or agenda, just wake up and the first thing that pops in your head is where we would go. Nothing like a game of quick association to plan your days activities. I guess we should be lucky we didn't end up in a Thai bar somewhere, dollar bills in hand, "Okay girls after your lap dance give the nice lady your money in her thong".

One of the things we did, that to this day I am amazed we hadn't taken the kids to, was Pearl Harbor. I remember being small and going on field trips there and being bored out of my mind. I mean it is a significant part of our history but to a 4th grader its just a huge oil leaking rust bucket under water with dead people in it. With that in mind we decided to take them on one that was above water to give them a perspective.

Off the to Missouri we went. We messed around with anything that wasn't bolted down or tied off. Hell history should be fun right :) It was a blast. We spent three hours on this boat laughing. Lauren found a phone in the wheel house and put it to her ear "WHAT! We are under we have insurance?" Pukashell took the phone and said "Uh...No". We about peed ourselves.

Where was I...oh yea...boot camp. Jon took pictures of us messing around and when I saw them I about cried. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT AROUND MY STOMACH! Ever see that commercial..I think it is Lipo Lean or something, where there is a computer generated grid of a fat person...the resemblance in uncanny!!!

That's it ...I've had it. All my friends back home had enlisted in Boot Camp and all lost gads of weight. I will be the fat Friend no more! First thing I did when I got home is enlisted at Boot Camp With Jess

Bootcamp with Jess from KaleFitchProductions on Vimeo.
After signing my life away in wavers, you know the "I understand that Boot Camp with Jess is not responsible for any and all damages to my mind body and soul, If I am impaled or maimed from any and all equipment including but not limited to the "Big Wooden Bitch" it is from my own stupidity and not the fault of any or all instructors" I was ready to go.

If the thought of wearing a 30 pound vest, while doing a non-stop hour work out, chanting strange cadences with no meaning wasn't punishment enough in my mind for my appearance, I let my friend Randee talk me in to going at 6AM!!!!! Now those who know me also know that there is only one 6:00 in my clock...and that "ain't" it!

With a loud condescending laugh from Randee about my pink towel, pink water bottle, pink weight gloves and black knee pads off I went at 5:45AM that Monday, to have my naive ass kicked into shape. By 6:15 I had realized I had made a big mistake and maybe I am okay with being fat.

Despite myself, bleachers and the stupid "Bad little monkey whose names Coco" I did make it through the so eloquently coined "Hell Week". Did I mention I had not one, nor two but three people pushing my pathetic self up "Asshole Hill"?! I also, to my surprise, made it the next week and am now on my fourth week.

What can I say, either I have masochistic tendencies or all those years in radio truly made me nuts, but I LOVE IT! I am addicted. My knees hurt, some days I can barely walk and the food is ridiculous but the gratification is beyond worth the agony.
Did I mention the Instructors?!? Okay, nothing like going somewhere in all your morning glory, you make up, quick brushing of your teeth, Raccoon like remnants of last nights make up, hair in a pony tail needing to be washed, sweating like, well as Randee says a "wildebeest" and having a hot, very built instructor whiteness it all. Its great...who needs dignity right. The comedy really comes in when you see 5 adult women on treadmills all almost fall off as they take in the sights of a toned ass demonstrating a proper squat.
If the thought ever crossed your mind to do really should. Call them and check it out. Tell them PT Vieta sent you. Meanwhile I will keep you posted on my progress!!!

1 comment:

Mills Family said...

Oh my hell, I am dying over here you are freaking hilarious. Well good job on the bootcamp glad you made it through.