This weekend started off great. The Smalls and Jon went up to Lesly's pool for Crystals birthday party . I had a performance at the Living Traditions Festival. I always enjoy being out in good weather with good friends. Kumu was here and that was a great added bonus. We dances well and had great food and it was an all around good time.
Sunday started well...we had planned to go tho a park with my family to celebrate little Jake's birthday. Until, like clock work, Jon lost his mind. This time not as bad as sometimes, but this one was his typical....everyone stop what you are doing and help me find whatever it is I am looking for, even if it isn't something i need to take with me to the current location we are heading or I will tear the house apart and yell at all of you and ruin whatever day is left!!!!!
The girls and I had taken all we needed to his car and came back in to help him fine his headphones. After the world resumed rotation, I headed back into the garage to start loading the car....I stepped over the bag of Weed and Feed...and all of a sudden this burning, excruciating paint seared up my foot!!!!! I look down and there is a garden rake STUCK IN MY FOOT! I lift my foot and grab the handle of the rake to hop over to the stairs.....I am in the mean time yelling at Jon about putting his tools away, and am pretty sure I threw my keys at him. I sit down and muster up all the strength I have and pull the thing out of my foot. Blood everywhere the girls are freaking out as they walk me into the bathroom where I clean the wound in the sink.
We head out to the park and my dad was insistent I go over to the firehouse right next to the park for them to check it out. He had already explained the situation to them by the time I got there. All I could thing was "Thanks god I had a pedicures last week" .After they dressed the little hole that might as well have been the size of the grand canyon by the pain it was inflicting, they told me I needed to have a shot and to go to the Insticare. I tried to debate my way out of it, both with the firemen and my father to no avail. The best I got was a couple hours of time to hang out at the park and then It was straight to Instacare, do not pass go.
The park was a blast!!! Pig was run ragged and so was Cynder for that matter. She disappeared for a minute, so not like her and I look over at this picnic table next to us and she was sleeping under their table, with their golden ;) She is so funny. She got all kinds of loves form her new best friend Bobbie. Pig played ball for hours with kids and some random kids as well. The Smalls skate boarded and rode scooters....wait, Jon skate boarded and the kids did other stuff. We joked that if he was going to fall, now would be the time since we were already going to Instacare :)
My dad insisted on taking the kids and dogs home to make sure I go to Instacare and not talk Jon out of it. Now I feel stupid!!! Little hole, bunch of trouble. While my mother called every two minutes to ask how to reissue the passes for next year they cleaned it and gave me a tetanus shot. My blood pressure however was 148/100 and they were not to jazzed about that, but come on...not really a relaxing day :)Here are the almost went all the way through. They said I bruised the bone inside as well...Fun Stuff!

The first left one....the clean part was in my foot, the rest was in my shoe.

You can see where it almost came out, the bruise below my pinkie toe. Good thing I had shoes on or it would have!!!
We got home and I was worried that we may have over done it for Cynder when Pig started hacking up water and bile.....She is okay now, she just over did it...too much fun for one little puppy ;)
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