Little Katie-did met her demise at the hand or paw of the Great White Mouse Hunter yesterday evening. She finagled out of her cage, which proved to be a fatal move. Her sisters were in a panic looking for her with in the cage and her mother and aunties with the help of , whom they thought was a caring and diligent dog, all around the outside of the cage. They were soon proven wrong.
Her auntie found her lifeless body in the living room and blood on the mouth of the killer. Forensic evidence found on the victims body and at the scene of the crime (DNA samples matched the saliva of the killer and a single white hair was found on the victims body) lead police to the apprehension of Melia "The Pig" MacCrea.
Although pleading insanity due to her recent stroke (heat stroke) the killer was tried and found guilty of 1st degree murder by rough housing in a jury of her 'peers' (she feels they are no peers of hers) .The judge felt that a sentence consisting of ignoring the Westie , no cookies, sleeping on her own bed and no school for 1 day fit the crime. She will be paroled tomorrow morning at 7 and released into the custody of her brother...since everyone else knew that "THE WESTIE CAN NOT BE TRUSTED"!
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