Anyway, so we took my car, knowing damn well that we would be mocked continuously by the "big boy" truck club.
I packed that little car to the gills. It took me two hours and man was I proud of my creativeness. I even took the girls out to show them my accomplishment. I turned to them and said "That my friends is what Kathy used to call stuffing "20 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag". They then began slowly backing away as if they were contemplating calling for the men in the white coats. BUT...I was proud of myself.

Jon got home from work in his typical "before we go melt down" thrashing around the house trying to find his headphones for his Ipod. I mean really, It must be exhausting packing only your shit and getting in the car before a trip. Lord knows grocery shopping, Laundry, renting life jackets, packing the smalls, me, the dog, the cooler and stuffing the freaken' car wore me out!!

Off we went with my cars back end dragging like a dog scratching his ass, as the fit continues. By the time we get to Evanston the girls and I went on strike until he relinquished the captains seat. I mean how many 60 mpr parking jobs and cutting off of big rigs can a person take!?!
Jon got home from work in his typical "before we go melt down" thrashing around the house trying to find his headphones for his Ipod. I mean really, It must be exhausting packing only your shit and getting in the car before a trip. Lord knows grocery shopping, Laundry, renting life jackets, packing the smalls, me, the dog, the cooler and stuffing the freaken' car wore me out!!
Off we went with my cars back end dragging like a dog scratching his ass, as the fit continues. By the time we get to Evanston the girls and I went on strike until he relinquished the captains seat. I mean how many 60 mpr parking jobs and cutting off of big rigs can a person take!?!
We got to Alpine about 5:00pm or so and set up camp. After finding the perfect spot we carefully unloaded the stuffed car and met up with the others for dinner. The Brat Pack Mitchel, Hannah, Kelsie, Kourt, Jake, Jake, Paige and Anthony slepped in one tent, us in another and the rest all slept in their trailers.

The remainder of the trip was a riot! We went down the River 4-5 times. It was running really high and some of the boats flipped including Rudy's so the Rangers were limiting the age on the rafts going over Lunch Counter. Now Kourt is bent! She got off after the kid run the day before to keep Paige company and now she can't go down it. Being as small as she is, we couldn't pass her for a 12 year old. Kelsie, who is usually my reserved one, went down LC 4 times and loved every minute of it.

Pig was a good girl the entire time. Despite being bumped off a bench buy Kelsie and nearly catching on fire while sleeping too close to the fire and the other dogs that ate all her food on the first night...she was a happy puppy. All the dirt covered chubby bunnies and left overs made up for it. Apparently there was a baby moose that was sniffing around our tent as if to say "Um, someone told me there was a Westie names Pig in this tent" and she didn't bark...don't know if that is a good thing or not.
The last night we were there, the ranger told us they had spotted a black bear roaming the hill above us. "Pack it up"!! I don't do bears! Especially with Pig and her not barking at strange animals by our tent thing. The kids all slept in Danny and Angie's trailer and after a long discussion with Jon on the difference between Nylon and Steal, Jon and I crashed in the back of Karyn's suburban.
Now hell night begins. Some how Jon tends to ruin the first day and Rudy chimes in on the last. He fought with Hannah about who should be bringing the blanket Karyn asked Hannah to get for her, taunted her with a car that she now no longer gets for stepping on his job of being Karyn's "Care Taker", was convinced Karyn had hid the glow sticks just to piss him off, fought about the kids sleeping in the trailer, woke us up three times, once to tell us we were stinking up the truck, accused the kids of watching porn because the DVD player was on the fritz and had paused, thrashed the trailer because he couldn't find his chips at 4am and then after getting into it with Karyn he finally went to sleep.
The next day we all ignored him as we packed up and went home. We did not mess around. The minute we pulled in the four of us unpacked the car and put everything way immediately so we could shower and watch a movie. MAN, nothing fells better then a shower after camping!

The kids had a blast and that's all that matters. Kourt is looking forward to August when we go again so she can have her chance at Lunch Counter.
The remainder of the trip was a riot! We went down the River 4-5 times. It was running really high and some of the boats flipped including Rudy's so the Rangers were limiting the age on the rafts going over Lunch Counter. Now Kourt is bent! She got off after the kid run the day before to keep Paige company and now she can't go down it. Being as small as she is, we couldn't pass her for a 12 year old. Kelsie, who is usually my reserved one, went down LC 4 times and loved every minute of it.
Pig was a good girl the entire time. Despite being bumped off a bench buy Kelsie and nearly catching on fire while sleeping too close to the fire and the other dogs that ate all her food on the first night...she was a happy puppy. All the dirt covered chubby bunnies and left overs made up for it. Apparently there was a baby moose that was sniffing around our tent as if to say "Um, someone told me there was a Westie names Pig in this tent" and she didn't bark...don't know if that is a good thing or not.
The last night we were there, the ranger told us they had spotted a black bear roaming the hill above us. "Pack it up"!! I don't do bears! Especially with Pig and her not barking at strange animals by our tent thing. The kids all slept in Danny and Angie's trailer and after a long discussion with Jon on the difference between Nylon and Steal, Jon and I crashed in the back of Karyn's suburban.
Now hell night begins. Some how Jon tends to ruin the first day and Rudy chimes in on the last. He fought with Hannah about who should be bringing the blanket Karyn asked Hannah to get for her, taunted her with a car that she now no longer gets for stepping on his job of being Karyn's "Care Taker", was convinced Karyn had hid the glow sticks just to piss him off, fought about the kids sleeping in the trailer, woke us up three times, once to tell us we were stinking up the truck, accused the kids of watching porn because the DVD player was on the fritz and had paused, thrashed the trailer because he couldn't find his chips at 4am and then after getting into it with Karyn he finally went to sleep.
The next day we all ignored him as we packed up and went home. We did not mess around. The minute we pulled in the four of us unpacked the car and put everything way immediately so we could shower and watch a movie. MAN, nothing fells better then a shower after camping!
The kids had a blast and that's all that matters. Kourt is looking forward to August when we go again so she can have her chance at Lunch Counter.
1 comment:
Wow first I have to say that I am shocked, kristie I had no idea that you would camp, I learn something new everyday hehehe.
Okay well it looks like you guys had alot of fun, we should all go sometime i think that would be fun.
hehehe who am I kidding...I do not camp, but if I had a trailer I could go, I would just have to bring my parents trailer.
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