OKAY! I feel better! My world is not dissipating before my eyes the a form of a larger than life mushroom cloud of fat, just a midsized one. :)
I took a detailed sensus of my friends opinion's, running the risk of them telling me what I want to hear verses what I NEED to hear ;) Oh don't get me wrong, we can be brutally honest, just not about people we like! They all said the same thing, that I was nuts and there was a difference. So Why can't I see it?
In a moment of total and udder insanity, I sent my blog to Instructor Thomas. Let me preface that I did tell him that I needed and "un bias" opinion and that "un bias" did not give him licence to make me cry.
Within minutes my "phone bitch" upfront told me that "There is an Instructor Thomas on the phone". Oh shit, here it comes. I am going to get the "PT VIETA, this is your wake up call! Your nasty ass will have weekly surprise visits by my minions, and nothing is sacred! Not your pantry, work and even your "female" appointments ! You have been reinstated into hell week specially designed for pathetic trolls like yourself! This will be unlike anything you have ever witnessed, Satan himself would cower in fear! YOU WILL LIVE, BREATH AND EAT BOOT CAMP OR DIE TRYING! so help you god!" speach.
I skip the "hello" completely,"I said you have to be nice!!", he laughs. He tells me that I have made good progress and that he doesn't remember me being that big. He told me I reminded him of Bart Simpson. Hmmmmmm......I can see that!

I would Rather look like :

We talk a while and he reminds me that the process is slow and steady (yea okay, shut up Randee...I know you said that too) and that the spoiled brat in me just wants it now!
Oh...okay! So that's all it is then??!!! Me being a spoiled brat. Well I knew that, hell you ALL knew that. I had a therapist tell me once that I suffer from I.W.W.I.W.W.I.W.I........I Want What I Want When I Want It. I looked at her and said "That's a bad thing right??"
So I feel better. Strange as that may seem.....having someone outside my circle elude to the fact I am a spoiled brat just put everything back into perspective. I guess it's not so bad. I do see some change and I have another 5 weeks to see some more. I can do this!!!
Thanks Guys!
"The Brat"
I took a detailed sensus of my friends opinion's, running the risk of them telling me what I want to hear verses what I NEED to hear ;) Oh don't get me wrong, we can be brutally honest, just not about people we like! They all said the same thing, that I was nuts and there was a difference. So Why can't I see it?
In a moment of total and udder insanity, I sent my blog to Instructor Thomas. Let me preface that I did tell him that I needed and "un bias" opinion and that "un bias" did not give him licence to make me cry.
Within minutes my "phone bitch" upfront told me that "There is an Instructor Thomas on the phone". Oh shit, here it comes. I am going to get the "PT VIETA, this is your wake up call! Your nasty ass will have weekly surprise visits by my minions, and nothing is sacred! Not your pantry, work and even your "female" appointments ! You have been reinstated into hell week specially designed for pathetic trolls like yourself! This will be unlike anything you have ever witnessed, Satan himself would cower in fear! YOU WILL LIVE, BREATH AND EAT BOOT CAMP OR DIE TRYING! so help you god!" speach.
I skip the "hello" completely,"I said you have to be nice!!", he laughs. He tells me that I have made good progress and that he doesn't remember me being that big. He told me I reminded him of Bart Simpson. Hmmmmmm......I can see that!

I would Rather look like :

We talk a while and he reminds me that the process is slow and steady (yea okay, shut up Randee...I know you said that too) and that the spoiled brat in me just wants it now!
Oh...okay! So that's all it is then??!!! Me being a spoiled brat. Well I knew that, hell you ALL knew that. I had a therapist tell me once that I suffer from I.W.W.I.W.W.I.W.I........I Want What I Want When I Want It. I looked at her and said "That's a bad thing right??"
So I feel better. Strange as that may seem.....having someone outside my circle elude to the fact I am a spoiled brat just put everything back into perspective. I guess it's not so bad. I do see some change and I have another 5 weeks to see some more. I can do this!!!
Thanks Guys!
"The Brat"
1 comment:
Yeah you are a brat. Hello dumbass(thats your knew name) you look so good and if i didn't think so I wouldn't comment on your blog so there hehehe. No seriously you look good.
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