Monday, July 28, 2008

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
New Addition!!!
She is here!!!! The new baby in our family! Let me introduce "Bella". She is 4 weeks old and is as sweet as can be.
Kelsie is so proud of her new addition.....she picked her out herself at a guinea pig farm called Brigliador Farm in Orem. There were so many cute babies to chose from, but Bella stole her heart!
Pig however is a little confused as to what she is. Right now she kinda looks like a really big mouse. Jessie used to bully her, but then again Jessie was also 4 times bigger the Bella is now. So she must be a mouse...Right???!!!!
Anyway...we love her! She has already been told the playing in the garage is not an option :)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Boot Camp Update!!!!
Week 2 10 1/2
Week 4 10 1/2
Week 9 11
Week 2 37 1/4
Week 4 38
Week 9 37
Week 2 39
Week 4 38
Week 9 33
Week 2 21 1/2
Week 4 20
Week 9 21
Week 2 14
Week 4 14 1/2
Week 9 14
Now: 155
Dark Knight
Thursday night, or Friday morning...however you want to look at it, I went to the midnight showing of "Dark Knight". A friend of mine, Tayster, has been going to the midnight showing of big movies for as long as I have known him, and always tells us about the entertainment value that comes with the price of admission. All the freaks come out!!!!!It's great! There were Batmans, Robins, a Poison Ivy , a Two-Face and other characters as well.
First off with Boot Camp going on...anything past 9:30pm is way to late to be out on a school night for me. We arrived at 9:00pm to stand in line. I brought "Roll the Pigs" to keeps us occupied for the long wait. Randee and I found that if you place the pigs in strange places and take pictures of them....it was way more fun then the actual game. The guy at the concessions counter was very amused by this game as well. :) But not enough to give us free shit....stupid boy!
Roughly at 10-ish we were seated. Jon fell a sleep while Randee and I entertained ourselves trying to stay awake. a little delirium set in. We were laughing at stupid stuff ...you know like how all of Tayster's friends had long hair and goatee's but one who was bald. See not so funny now, but that night it was frigging hysterical!
This group of kids were behind us and left there seats to take pictures and this woman tried to snake their seat claiming "you cant save seats". We were so not having that!!!! Randee made the woman feel like crap and we all stood behind the kids, because she was wrong. I mean come on...we all are tired and anxious, but don't lose your manners because of it. She left threatening to get the manager..."go ahead"! Didn't see her again!
The long and short of it was...the movie was fanoninal. I went in thinking that I would not give Heath Ledger accolades just because if his untimely passing. The man was nothing short of perfect! Now, I am not a comic book reader or avid comic movie go-er....but I do feel that to play a psychologically disturbed individual, there is a fine line of going over board and just being flat out annoying. He did everything perfect...he played neurotic like he had been there a million times before. His speech, it was cool to hear him place the "emph asis on the wrong sy llable" just enough times to make it dark and wicked. Anyway...I was blown away.
This movie was awesome....please go see it!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The Sky is Falling!
See, I have this metaphorical Plexiglas box I find myself in from time to time. The box, I am finding, was built with all that I was raised with, now have learned, have encountered and have yet to figure out. Within this soundproof confinement, I usually am screaming at the top of my lungs and no one can hear me. Sometimes, to keep my sanity, I put myself in there because I choose not to let others hear me.
In any event, I have been visiting this box more an more often then I would like. The question that I have is, when is enough enough??! At what point do I just put a lock on that box and ship the key off to be thrown in the depths of the ocean or in crevasse of a glacier?? Or for God sakes...can I at least have a two way speaker installed in it? I will settle for an air hole at this point. Give me something to get what I want to say, truly heard and understood, out.
Why am I put in that box?! Why cant the other party be in it instead?! Why can they scream at the top of their lungs and say the most hurtful, unsubstantiated and most times ridiculous things and yet they remain free? While I sit in my clear prison slowly losing my mind and myself. Why do they say and do these things?! What does their opinion matter?! Who do they think they are?!
Einstein once said"A person starts to live when he can live outside himself". It seams to me that people don't want to "live"", and not only that..they don't want you to "live" either! I am tired of this absurdity! I want to live...I DID live. That was one thing I learned from my mother and I miss being that person.
I feel like to keep the peace I had to mold into a unsatisfying way of living. A way that I was raised to know is not a recipe for happiness. Then one day you wake up and you say to yourself "this is not my life....whose life is this and how did I get here"
I was told once that I needed to learn how to say "no" or people would walk all over me. Funny thing is...even when I do...they walk all over me anyway. Now "no" comes way to easy and I don't want to obstruct the balance with a "yes". "No" can be a very selfish, life altering and lonely word for just being two little letters. So there I sit.....in my box for all to see. Exposed to the elements, where people who are supposed to love me to walk by and bang on it and laugh as I sit helpless.
One day...I tell my self...one day I will be sprung free of this prison and be able to redefine myself as who I want to be, not how they say I should be or who they think I am. Hopefully on that day I wont be alone but with an Angle who will go with me, stand by my side holding my hand when I need it and do everything to keep me out of that fucking box!
Monday, July 14, 2008
A Little Sadness!!!!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I got this email today and it cracks me up!!

Note To Self!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Got My "Head Out Of My Duffle Bag"
I took a detailed sensus of my friends opinion's, running the risk of them telling me what I want to hear verses what I NEED to hear ;) Oh don't get me wrong, we can be brutally honest, just not about people we like! They all said the same thing, that I was nuts and there was a difference. So Why can't I see it?
In a moment of total and udder insanity, I sent my blog to Instructor Thomas. Let me preface that I did tell him that I needed and "un bias" opinion and that "un bias" did not give him licence to make me cry.
Within minutes my "phone bitch" upfront told me that "There is an Instructor Thomas on the phone". Oh shit, here it comes. I am going to get the "PT VIETA, this is your wake up call! Your nasty ass will have weekly surprise visits by my minions, and nothing is sacred! Not your pantry, work and even your "female" appointments ! You have been reinstated into hell week specially designed for pathetic trolls like yourself! This will be unlike anything you have ever witnessed, Satan himself would cower in fear! YOU WILL LIVE, BREATH AND EAT BOOT CAMP OR DIE TRYING! so help you god!" speach.
I skip the "hello" completely,"I said you have to be nice!!", he laughs. He tells me that I have made good progress and that he doesn't remember me being that big. He told me I reminded him of Bart Simpson. Hmmmmmm......I can see that!

I would Rather look like :

We talk a while and he reminds me that the process is slow and steady (yea okay, shut up Randee...I know you said that too) and that the spoiled brat in me just wants it now!
Oh...okay! So that's all it is then??!!! Me being a spoiled brat. Well I knew that, hell you ALL knew that. I had a therapist tell me once that I suffer from I.W.W.I.W.W.I.W.I........I Want What I Want When I Want It. I looked at her and said "That's a bad thing right??"
So I feel better. Strange as that may seem.....having someone outside my circle elude to the fact I am a spoiled brat just put everything back into perspective. I guess it's not so bad. I do see some change and I have another 5 weeks to see some more. I can do this!!!
Thanks Guys!
"The Brat"
Boot Camp Update
Don't let the smile in the pictures fool you! I am not happy! I was excited thinking there were better results.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Wall.E has the most amazing expressions and you cant help but fall in love with this sweet sweet creature. Every little motion just is amazing. You almost forget your watching an animated film.
I have heard people compare him to Johnny 5...NOW WAY!!!! There is no comparison what so ever to that annoying sad movie.
Snake River

Anyway, so we took my car, knowing damn well that we would be mocked continuously by the "big boy" truck club.
Jon got home from work in his typical "before we go melt down" thrashing around the house trying to find his headphones for his Ipod. I mean really, It must be exhausting packing only your shit and getting in the car before a trip. Lord knows grocery shopping, Laundry, renting life jackets, packing the smalls, me, the dog, the cooler and stuffing the freaken' car wore me out!!
Off we went with my cars back end dragging like a dog scratching his ass, as the fit continues. By the time we get to Evanston the girls and I went on strike until he relinquished the captains seat. I mean how many 60 mpr parking jobs and cutting off of big rigs can a person take!?!
The remainder of the trip was a riot! We went down the River 4-5 times. It was running really high and some of the boats flipped including Rudy's so the Rangers were limiting the age on the rafts going over Lunch Counter. Now Kourt is bent! She got off after the kid run the day before to keep Paige company and now she can't go down it. Being as small as she is, we couldn't pass her for a 12 year old. Kelsie, who is usually my reserved one, went down LC 4 times and loved every minute of it.
Pig was a good girl the entire time. Despite being bumped off a bench buy Kelsie and nearly catching on fire while sleeping too close to the fire and the other dogs that ate all her food on the first night...she was a happy puppy. All the dirt covered chubby bunnies and left overs made up for it. Apparently there was a baby moose that was sniffing around our tent as if to say "Um, someone told me there was a Westie names Pig in this tent" and she didn't bark...don't know if that is a good thing or not.
The last night we were there, the ranger told us they had spotted a black bear roaming the hill above us. "Pack it up"!! I don't do bears! Especially with Pig and her not barking at strange animals by our tent thing. The kids all slept in Danny and Angie's trailer and after a long discussion with Jon on the difference between Nylon and Steal, Jon and I crashed in the back of Karyn's suburban.
Now hell night begins. Some how Jon tends to ruin the first day and Rudy chimes in on the last. He fought with Hannah about who should be bringing the blanket Karyn asked Hannah to get for her, taunted her with a car that she now no longer gets for stepping on his job of being Karyn's "Care Taker", was convinced Karyn had hid the glow sticks just to piss him off, fought about the kids sleeping in the trailer, woke us up three times, once to tell us we were stinking up the truck, accused the kids of watching porn because the DVD player was on the fritz and had paused, thrashed the trailer because he couldn't find his chips at 4am and then after getting into it with Karyn he finally went to sleep.
The next day we all ignored him as we packed up and went home. We did not mess around. The minute we pulled in the four of us unpacked the car and put everything way immediately so we could shower and watch a movie. MAN, nothing fells better then a shower after camping!
The kids had a blast and that's all that matters. Kourt is looking forward to August when we go again so she can have her chance at Lunch Counter.