Thursday, October 16, 2008

"Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't."

A couple weekends ago, The girls in the family (and Jake) went down to Cedar City to see Haaaaaannnaaahhhh in her Shakespearean Festival Drama competition.

What better way to start the trip than hopping the entire car up with coffee and hot chocolates!!! After showings of The Corps Bride and Edward Scissor Hands, multiple "are we there yet" from yours truly and a couple "Waiting hurts my soul" remarks from Jake...we were there.

Being the honest people we are...we crammed 7 people in a 2 person hotel reservation, don't act like you haven't done it! Oh yea...Nothing like having Kelsie and Kourtnie in my bed. Kelsie not so bad...Kourt is that kid that sleeps across your pillow and you will at some point have a foot and or her but in your face.

Hannah did a fabulous job on her performances!! She did one with just her and one other student and a group performance as well. We got the chance to see some really good performances. There was this one group that the extra people were the scenery. It was awesome!

Jake decided he didn't want to be seen with us during the last performances we went to. So he sat in the row in front of us by some random guy..not a couple seats away...I mean right next to. Then he processed to imitate the judges...getting his little hand out like a note book and jotting god knows what on it. He flips the page and starts mumbling something to himself. The kid next to him was giving him the strangest look...he looked around for his parents...and we all pretended he wasn't ours. The best part is, Jake looked like he was squishing the head of the actors between his fingers...he later clarified that he was picking a pen...from the air....yea this soooo has to come from Vanderniet side....not the Nelson's.

I conned my family into driving to Saint George to get In-n-Out burger...and being the good wife I am...I taunted my husband with it. It is one of his top 5 places to eat. See, he does this thing with our dog when he eats fries, her favorite food group next to plastic..."MMMMMM this is the BEST french fries I have EVER had!" . This is what I call Payback!!!
Me: OMG this is the BEST In-n-Out Burger I have ever had!
Jon: No Fair
Me: Kelsie said that's the BEST shake she has EVER had.....
Jon: (No Response)
Me: MMMMMM Cheesy Goodness
Jon: Stop it you bastards!
Me: Fresh, hot, real potato fries
Jon: Those r mine......and Pigs
Me: Oops...all gone
Jon: Order more said the Pig
Jon: You guys are mean
Me: Food Coma
Me: What's this?
Jon: That Growth on your legs looks gooood!!!
And of course the humiliation....."Nope...if you want the two double double with cheese's that I have in this bag you have to wear the hat!"

1 comment:

Mills Family said...

you are seriously hilarious!